
Wednesday 15.01.2025

12:00-14:30 Registration

Coffee available (Foyer)

14:30-15:00 Welcome (Sela Arabella)

Inge Herrmann, Joel Zindel, Wiebke Solass 

15:00-16:30 Opening Session: Medical, Biological, and Engineering Perspective on the Peritoneal Cavity (Sela Arabella).

Uli Dietz (confirmed), Kantonsspital Olten, Anatomy and physiology of the peritoneum: the fully immersive view of a robotic surgeon.

Paul Kubes (confirmed), Queens University, Peritoneal Immunity and injury repair. 

Jingjing Wu (confirmed), MIT, The effect of biomaterials on scarring.

16:30-17:00 Coffe Break
17:00-19:00 Peritonitis, Sepsis and Biofilm (Sela Arabella)

Guido Beldi (confirmed)*, University of Bern, Peritonitis: The clinical perspective, from microbial-host mutualism to clinical disease.

Andrew J Macpherson (confirmed), University of Bern, Mucosal and Serosal Immunology, Parallels and Differences.

tba, From microbiome composition to functional engineering, one step at a time.

tba, Microbial Sensors

Tba, Short talk chosen from abstracts

Tba, Short talk chosen from abstracts

Tba, Poster flash talks

19:00-21:00 Social Hour and Poster Session (Sela Arabella, Foyer)

Dinner and non-alcoholic beverages (Foyer)

Poster Session I (Sela Arabella)

Workshop Registration (Foyer)

Bar Service (Payable)

Thursday, 16.01.2024

08.00-11.00 Repair, Scarring, and Leakage

Samuel Carmichael II (confirmed), Wake Forest School of Medicine, Post-surgical repair a critical balance between scarring and leakage. 

Sabine Werner (confirmed)*, ETH Zürich, The principles of tissue damage and repair: lessons learned in the skin.

Yuval Rinkevich (confirmed), Helmolz Zentrum Munich, The role of fascia and transfer of extracellular matrix in tissue scarring and fibrosis.

Philip Smith (confirmed), Roche, Targeting impaired tissue repair in inflammatory bowel disease

10:00-10:30 Coffee Break

Edoardo Mazza (confirmed), ETH Zürich, Stretching and Tearing of Soft Collagenous Tissues.

Justin Deniset (confirmed), University of Calgary, Pericardial immune responses to injury: from mouse to patients" 

Julia Bayer (confirmed), UniBE,  Short talk: Macrophage-derived Spp1 as universal pro-scarring signalling circuit.

Alexander Anthis (confirmed), ETHZ/Empa, Short talk: Engineering new bi-functional sealant patches.

11.00-13.00 On own for lunch


13.00-16.00 Workshops I-III: 

The goal of these workshops is to encourage interaction among participants from diverse disciplines, ensuring that even those attending solo can quickly and easily connect with others. Participants are welcome to register for any workshop on day one (additional fees may apply)

Workshop I - Lake of Staz

Put on your winter boots, grab your cross-country skis, or take a ride in a horse-drawn carriage to join keynote speakers and fellow participants for lunch at the Lake of Staz. Here, we will brainstorm solutions to challenges in our peritoneal projects, fostering new collaborations and developing innovative engineering approaches to benefit our patients

Workshop II - Diavolezza

Take the gondola to the summit of Diavolezza. Whether you choose to ski down or ride the gondola back is secondary—what truly matters is gathering with keynote speakers and fellow participants for a lunch with a stunning view of the glacier and Piz Palü, the mountain that inspired the Peritoneal Summit logo. Against this majestic natural backdrop, we come together to deepen our understanding of biology, forge new partnerships, and develop pioneering engineering approaches to enhance patient care.

Workshop III - Giardin

Do you want to stay close to the venue but also take the opportunity to connect with keynote speakers and fellow participants over a quick lunch? Then this workshop is perfect for you. Be warned, though—you might find yourself wanting to linger longer in the Giardin. Whether you're ice skating, joining an ice hockey game, or simply enjoying the fun as a spectator, you'll be in the ideal setting to develop creative solutions, forge new partnerships, and design innovative engineering methods to enhance patient outcomes.

15.00-16.00 Workshop IV - Career round table.

This workshop is specifically designed for young scientists (PhD students, Postdocs). This round rable discussion with our faculty from academia, industry, journalism, and the health care sector may be what you need to help you find your future career path.

16:00-16:30 Coffee Break

16:30-19:00 Devices and Engineering Solutions in Serosal cavities

tba, Clinical Perspective exemplified by Intraperitoneal Hernia Mesh: the Future of intraperitoneal Devices.

Paola Luciani (confirmed), University of Bern, Drug delivery to specifically target the serosal space.

Marc Reymond (confirmed), CapnoPharm, solutions for intraperitoneal drug delivery.

Traverso lab, (confirmed), MIT Devices, Implants and Insulin pump

tba, Short talk chosen from abstracts

tba, Short talk chosen from abstracts

19:00-21:00 Networking Dinner

All participants can register to the networking dinner in the art noveau ballroom of the hotel Saratz.

21:00-22:00 Optional Informal Campfire Discussions

To continue discussions from the presentations and workshops, interested participants can gather around a campfire in the hotel lobby or in the Salon Rouge.

Friday, 17.01.2024

08:00-09:45 Peritoneal Cancer

Wiebke Solass (confirmed), University of Bern, Peritoneal cancers

(tbc), Mesothelial to mesenchymal transition Mesothelioma clinical talk

Nan Zhang (confirmed), Wistar Institue, The role of Peritoneal Immunity in Ovarian Cancer growth and dissemination.

Tba, Short talk chosen from abstracts

Tba, Short talk chosen from abstracts

09:45-10:15 Coffee break
10:15-12:30 Endometriosis

Michael Müller* (confirmed), Translational Biology of Endometriosis: from biomarkers to ICG-augmented surgery.

Krina Zondervan (confirmed), University of Oxford, The genetic basis of endometriosis.

Erin Greaves (confirmed), Warwick Medical School, Macrophage heterogeneity and macrophage-nerve crosstalk in peritoneal endometriosis.

Tba, Short talk chosen from abstracts

Tba, Short talk chosen from abstracts

12:30-13:15 Lunch at the venue
13:15-15:00 Mixed Session and Awards

Out of the Box: (tbc), circadian clock

Tba, Short talk chosen from abstracts

Tba, Short talk chosen from abstracts

Prices (best poster, best short talk)

ARS** price for best talent