Wednesday 15.01.2025
13:00-14:00 Registration
Poster Set Up.
14:00-19:15 The Peritoneal Cavity - Peritoneal Immunity.
14:00-14:15 Welcome by Inge Herrmann and Joel Zindel*.
Session chairs: Joel Zindel and Gwendalyn Randolph
14:15-14:45 Uli Dietz, Kantonsspital Olten, "Anatomy and physiology of the peritoneum: the fully immersive view of a robotic surgeon."
14:45-15:15 Paul Kubes, Queens University, "Peritoneal Immunity: an ancient repair system".
15:15-15:45 Guido Beldi, University of Bern, "Peritonitis: The clinical perspective, from microbial-host mutualism to clinical disease."
15:45-16:15 Gwendalyn Randolph*, Washington University St. Louis, "From Human and Mice: Inter-Species Comonalities and Differences in Peritoneal Immunity."
16:15-16:30 James Parkinson, University of Manchester, "Large cavity macrophages as master regulators of the pleural niche"
16:30-17:00 Coffe Break
17:00-17:30 Andrew J Macpherson, University of Bern, "Mucosal and Serosal Immunology, Parallels and Differences."
17:30-18:00 Justin Deniset, University of Calgary, "From Peritoneum to Pericardium: Pericardial immunity and responses to injury"
18:00-18:30 Tony Bruns, RWTH University of Aachen, "Peritoneal Immunity in Decompensated Cirrhosis"
18:30-18:45 Lilian Salm, University of Bern and University of Calgary, "Systemic Effects of Peritoneal Inflammation."
18:45-19:00 Julia Bayer, University of Bern, Osteopontin-mediated macrophage-mesothelial cell crosstalk in peritoneal scar formation.
19:00-19:15 Dror Mevorach, Hadassah Medical Center and the Hebrew University, "CAR T and apoptotic cells for treatment of peritoneal solid tumor in SCID mice. "
19:15-21:00 Dinner and Poster Session (Sela Arabella, Foyer)
Dinner and non-alcoholic beverages included (Foyer)
19:30-21:00 Poster Session (Sela Arabella)
- Poster #1: John Li Flores Alvarez, University of Bern, "The molecular mechanism for macrophage aggregation: The role of primordial scavenger receptor cysteine-rich domains"
- Poster #2: Jan Sevcik, Charles University in Prague, "tba"
- Poster #3: Agnes Huber, University of Bern, "Expression levels of GATA6 in human peritoneal macrophages"
- Poster #4: Giulio Bontempi, Sapienza University of Rome, "Long noncoding RNA H19 promotes the acquisition of a mesenchymal-like invasive phenotype in mesothelial primary cells through an HDAC1-mediated WT1/Sp1 switch"
- Poster #5: Alyssa Koch, Washington University St. Louis, "Clearing the Way to Multimodal Intravital Imaging in the Peritoneal Cavity"
- Poster #6: Sai Agash Surendran, Queens University Canada, "Peritoneal Macrophages and Their Role in Ovarian Cancer Metastasis".
- Poster #7: Arianna Castagna, University Hospital Heidelberg, "Exploring pro-tumorigenic effects of malignant ascites on gastric cancer: an in vitro study"
- Poster #8: Monica Aida Lopez, Queens University Canada, "Investigating the structure and role of mast cell condensates in peritoneal macrophage aggregation."
- Poster #9: Oluwatomi Ibidapo-obe, "Peritoneal resident memory CD8 T cells are imprinted by macrophage-derived IL-15 in decompensated cirrhosis with peritoneal infection."
- Poster #10: Henar Tomero-Sanz, Centro de Biología Molecular Severo Ochoa, Madrid, "Protective role of an extracellular matrix-hydrogel on healing tissues reduces post-operative peritoneal adhesion formation"
- Poster #11: Brooke Slade, University of Bern, "Peritoneal Patency: Prevention of Intraperitoneal Catheter Occlusion"
- Poster #12: Thomas Rduch, Kantonsspital St. Gallen and ETH Zürich, "Engineering Biomaterials for Gynecology"
- Poster #13: Richard Palek, Charles University in Prague, "Decellularized Tissue as a Scaffold for Organ Construction."
Workshop Registration (Foyer)
Bar Service (Payable)
Thursday, 16.01.2024
from 07:30 Breakfast at Hotel
08.30-12.30 Repair, Scarring, and Leakage
Session chairs: Samuel Carmichael II, Sabine Werner
08:30-09:00 Samuel Carmichael II*, Wake Forest School of Medicine, "Pathophysiology and Regenerative Medicine Therapies for Prevention of Abdominal Adhesions."
09:00-09:30 Sabine Werner*, ETH Zürich, "The principles of tissue damage and repair: lessons learned in the skin."
09:30-10:00 Yuval Rinkevich, CIMR Beijing, The role of fascia and transfer of extracellular matrix in tissue scarring and fibrosis.
10:00-10:15 Richard Cassidy, University of Edinburgh, "Tamoxifen Alters the Response of Peritoneal Macrophages to Surgery"
10:15-10:30 Marie-Christin Weber, Technical University of Munich, "Healing from the Outside In: Serosal Repair as a Crucial Mechanism of Post-Surgical Gastrointestinal Anastomotic Healing."
10:30-11:00 Coffee Break
11:00-11:30 Philip Smith, Roche, "Targeting impaired tissue repair in inflammatory bowel disease."
11:30-12:00 Edoardo Mazza, ETH Zürich, "Stretching and Tearing of Soft Collagenous Tissues."
12:00-12:15 Manuel López-Cabrera, Centro de Biología Molecular Severo Ochoa - CSIC, Madrid, "Protective role of an extracellular matrix-hydrogel on healing tissues reduces post-operative peritoneal adhesion formation"
12:15-12:30 Raffaele Strippoli, Sapienza University of Rome, "Epigenetic control of peritoneal fibrosis"
12:30-16:00 Lunch-To-Go and Workshops
The goal of these unconference workshops is to encourage interaction among participants from diverse disciplines, ensuring that even those attending solo can quickly and easily connect with others. If the weather permits it, these workshops could be held outside (hence the lunch-to-go). Participants are welcome to register for any existing workshop or add additional work shop topics on-site during the first day.
Workshop I - Bart talks (Venue)
A white board is made available on day 1 where participants can indicate topics they would like to discuss with others. The conference room, the foyer, and the hotel bar will be available for informal meetings.
Workshop II - Morteratsch Glacier Cave
After a 10 min train ride, we walk (6km, max 2h total) to the Morteratsch Glacier and it's entrance cave. During the journey, we will brainstorm solutions to challenges in our peritoneal projects, fostering new collaborations and developing innovative engineering approaches to benefit our patients.
Meet 12:45 in front of hotel Saratz.
Workshop III - Diavolezza
Workshop IV - Sport Pavillon
Do you want to stay close to the venue but still take the opportunity to connect with keynote speakers and fellow participants during a bit of fresh air? Then enjoy your lunchbox at the venue and join your fellow participants for a coffee (until 2pm) at the Giardin (The Garden). Be warned, though—you might find yourself wanting to linger longer in the adjacent Sport Pavillon. Whether you're ice skating, joining an ice hockey game, or simply enjoying the fun as a spectator, you'll be in the ideal setting to develop creative solutions, forge new partnerships, and design innovative engineering methods to enhance patient outcomes.
No registration required.
16.00-16.30 Workshop V - Career round table.
With Seth Scanlon (Editor in Chief Science Immunology), Sabine Werner (Head of Department ETH), Phil Smith (Discovery Area Leader, Roche), and Joel Zindel (Clinician Scientist).
This workshop is specifically designed for young scientists (MD-PhD, PhD students, Postdocs): a low-key round table discussion with our faculty from the academic, industry, journalism, and health care sector to help you figure your future career path.
16:00-16:30 Coffee Available
16:30-19:00 Devices and Engineering Solutions in Serosal cavities
Session chair: Justin Deniset, Oscar Cipolato
16:30-17:00 Tobias Haltmeier University of Bern, "Intraperitoneal Devices: Current Clinical Use and Future Outlook."
17:00-17:30 Marc Reymond, "Solutions for intraperitoneal drug delivery."
17:30-18:00 Paola Luciani, University of Bern, "Drug delivery to specifically target the serosal space."
18:00-18:30 James McRae, MIT, "Advancing non-invasive gastrointestinal interventions through the development of ingestible electroceutical and continuous health monitoring platforms"
18:30-18:45 Alexander Jessernig, ETH Zurich, "Point of care biosensor for anastomotic leak detection".
18:45-19:00 Pilar Sandoval, Centro de Biología Molecular Severo Ochoa - CSIC, Madrid. "Mesothelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition (MMT) as a therapeutic target by using antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs) in fibrotic peritoneal pathologies”
19:00-19:15 Oscar Cipolato, ETH Zurich, "Minimally invasive robotic laser tissue soldering."
19:15-20:45 Networking Dinner
Networking dinner in the art noveau ballroom of the hotel Saratz.
20:30 Optional Afterhour Fireside Chats.
To continue discussions from the presentations and workshops, interested participants can gather around a fire place in the hotel lobby or in the Salon Rouge.
Friday, 17.01.2024
from 07:30 Breakfast at Hotel
08:30-10:30 Peritoneal Cancer
Session chairs: Wiebke Solass, Michael Mueller
08:30-09:00 Wiebke Solass*, University of Bern, Peritoneal cancers
09:00-09:30 Nan Zhang, Wistar Institue, The role of Peritoneal Immunity in Ovarian Cancer growth and dissemination.
09:30-10:00 Helmuth Gehart, ETH Zurich, Malignant pleural mesothelioma organoids enable personalized medicine for a highly heterogeneous disease
10:00-10:15 Sarah Herrick, University of Manchester, "Contribution of mesothelial cells to serosal scarring and encapsulating peritoneal fibrosis"
10:15-10:30 Rachel Mintz, Washington University in St. Louis, "Omental support of ovarian tumor cell growth is unabated in the absence of mature adipocytes"
10:30-11:00 Coffee break
11:00-13:00 Endometriosis
Session chairs: Krina Zondervan, Erin Greaves
11:00-11:30 Michael Mueller, Translational Biology of Endometriosis: from biomarkers to ICG-augmented surgery.
11:30-12:00 Krina Zondervan, University of Oxford, The genetic basis of endometriosis.
12:00-12:30 Erin Greaves, Warwick Medical School, Macrophage heterogeneity and macrophage-nerve crosstalk in peritoneal endometriosis.
12:30-12:45 Niky Adwani Moolchandani, University of Warwick, "Understanding macrophage-ECM interaction in the endometriotic niche"
12:45-13:00 Deborah Fischer, University of Manchester, "Insights into peritoneal fluid: a microenvironment for endometriosis progression."
13:00 Group Foto
13:00-13:45 Lunch at the venue
13:45-15:00 Awards and Outlook Session.
Session chair: Inge Herrmann
13:45-14:15 Daniel Vonder Mühll, Out of the Box Talk: "Out of the box: what’s around us? From permafrost to precision medicines"
14:15-14:45 Vaclav Liska, Charles University Pilsen, "Beyond Borders: Establishing Experimental and Translational Surgery Center for Interdisciplinary and Multinational Research."
14:45-15:00 Deborah Keogh-Stroka, University of Bern and Association of Research in Surgery (ARS), ARS Best Poster Prize, Boehringer Ingelheim Foundatio Scholarship Prizes.
15:00-15:15 Joel Zindel and Inge Herrmann, Concluding Remarks